RE: proposed new module: css3 floats and positioning

± -----Original Message-----
± From: [] On Behalf
± Of fantasai
± Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:43 PM
± I would like to see GCPM's float-related features become a
± CSS3 Floats module. I don't have much of an opinion yet on what the
± features should look like or whether they should incorporate any
± additional functionality or how they should integrate with other floating
± proposals, but GCPM floats (and CSS2 floats and clearance) by themselves
± seem like enough material to make a coherent module.

Do you also think it should be a separate CSS3 positioning (by that I mean not just Tab's proposal but also all of CSS2)?

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 23:56:10 UTC