Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions F2F Kyoto Sat: CSS3 Fonts, Regions, @viewport, Variables, @supports, Selectors4, Administrivia

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 9:43 PM, John Jansen <> wrote:
> I'm going to ask this again because I made the mistake of including all of the summary and minutes in my last reply. I'm sure that due to that error, my question was completely missed...
>> - use flow-into and flow-from properties and explain the interaction with
>> the css3 contents module definition of the content property. The flow-into
>> and flow-from properties should be <string>
> It's very difficult to tell from the minutes why this was resolved to be a string. Alex asked this as well [1]. Can anyone clarify? I'm not even sure who argued to make it a string rather than in ident?
> -John
> [1]

We didn't actually resolve that way, at least not to my memory.  We
wanted to do something other than a bare ident, because it seems
relatively likely that this is a property we'd like to later add more
controls to, such as default flows or additional options, that may end
up being ambiguous with user-defined flow names.  Strings or a flow()
function, though, are both equally okay.


Received on Monday, 13 June 2011 06:34:04 UTC