Re: [css3-images] linear-gradient keywords and angles are opposite

>> Secondly the default for a linear-gradient should be top. The below
>> gradients would be identical.
>> linear-gradient(pink, orange 50px, blue 50px, lime);  
>> linear-gradient(top,
>> pink, orange 50px, blue 50px, lime);
> Mind elaborating on why you think the default should be top ? Or is it
> related to the discussion below ?

I would argue in favor of upwards (aka "from bottom", aka old "bottom",  
aka new "top" ), as the default. The nice thing about having a default  
orientation, besides the fact that you don't have to say it explicitly if  
that's the one you need, is that then, we can define gradients described  
with an angle as rotate clockwise from the default orientation.

Since we've agreed that 0 degrees gradients are upwards gradients, upwards  
should be the default.

  - Florian

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 02:45:27 UTC