Re: [css3-writing-modes] bidi-style resolution of punctuation orientation

On Tue, 05 Jul 2011 15:19:35 +0900, Alex Danilo <> wrote:

> Hi Florian & Fantasai,
> --Original Message--:
>> On Fri, 01 Jul 2011 11:32:51 +0900, fantasai
>> <> wrote:
>>> For the various pictographic and geometric symbols, what is an
>>>        appropriate setting? Should the snowman be upright or sideways?
>>>        Does this depend on CJK vs. Latin context, or is it a stylistic
>>>        preference, or does everybody just want them upright?
>> I have a hard time thinking of anybody wanting them other than upright.
> I disagree.
> I think it depends on CJK vs. Latin context for sure.
> If I've got a string of Latin talking about winter and snowmen and stick
> one in the middle of the Latin text which is rotated 90 degrees, I'd  
> expect
> the snowman to take on the rotation of the Latin content so it can be  
> read
> with your head rotated sideways.

I'd expect it to stay upright, because despite the fact that this is  
encoded as a character, it is more a little picture that a piece of text.

I'll accept that this a personal opinion, not the universal expectation,  
so I'll switch from "always upright" to "stylistic preference", my  
personal preference being upright regardless of language.

  - Florian

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 07:23:55 UTC