Re: [css3-writing-modes] bidi-style resolution of punctuation orientation

2011/7/5 Florian Rivoal <>

> The algorithm should probably be something like:
> 1- if you have a lang attribute, use that
> 2- otherwise, if you have an Content-Language http header, use that
> 3- otherwise, if you have a <meta http-equiv="content-language" ...> use
>   that
> 4- otherwise, if you have a charset specified in the http headers and that
>   charset is specific to a language (shift-jis, BG, big5, EUC-KR... the
>   list must be explicit), you're in that language

The problem is just that this assumption is clearly false, because bilingual
documents exist. In fact I’d say that it’s worse than that, in the sense
that if a site is still using a national charset, then it’s likely that even
its English-language pages will be encoded in the national charset.

So this would be a good approximation that probably works a lot of times,
but not all of the time.

5- same as 4, but with a meta tag, rather than an http header
> 6- otherwise, you don't know


Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 07:35:33 UTC