Re: [CSS3] support for linear-gradients & radial-gradients

Hmmm well what are the statuses that a proposed idea can be at-- I am assuming last call is towards the middle of the ranks / statuses and recommended is the final status?
Also, I apologise if this sounds impatient, but I want to be prepared; therefore, does anyone know if there is a time line or schedule for when css images level 3 will reach last call status or any of the other statuses? Or even when it reached any status it may have even already surpassed.'


On 10Jan, 2011, at 2:18 pm, Peter Beverloo wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 19:42, Irfan Mir <> wrote:
>> I had looked into the vendor specific prefixes for Gecko and WebKit, but they do not validate because they are vendor specific
>> Shouldn't  using the official syntax, linear-gradient: / radial-gradient: without the prefixes validate?
> Yes, these will validate, however, no gradient will be visible yet.
> Generally browser vendors will use their prefixes until a
> specification reaches *at least* Last Call status. CSS Images Level 3,
> the specification gradients are a part of, isn't quite there yet.
> As the specification matures, the prefixes will be dropped and you'll
> be able to use "linear-gradient". Vendor prefixes are being used to
> warn developers that the syntax of the property may be changed,
> meaning websites that rely on them might break.
> Kind regards,
> Peter Beverloo

Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2011 01:05:42 UTC