Re: [CSS3] support for linear-gradients & radial-gradients

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 19:42, Irfan Mir <> wrote:
> I had looked into the vendor specific prefixes for Gecko and WebKit, but they do not validate because they are vendor specific
> Shouldn't  using the official syntax, linear-gradient: / radial-gradient: without the prefixes validate?

Yes, these will validate, however, no gradient will be visible yet.
Generally browser vendors will use their prefixes until a
specification reaches *at least* Last Call status. CSS Images Level 3,
the specification gradients are a part of, isn't quite there yet.

As the specification matures, the prefixes will be dropped and you'll
be able to use "linear-gradient". Vendor prefixes are being used to
warn developers that the syntax of the property may be changed,
meaning websites that rely on them might break.

Kind regards,
Peter Beverloo

Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 19:19:11 UTC