RE: [css3] support for filters

It looks like people want Adobe PDF/Flash style blending in addition to filters.  :)
It would be great if we could even add blending to the HTML imaging model. PDF style blending is probably overkill but Flash style should be sufficient.
(ps filters and blending are very different concepts. I think it will be a lot harder to implement blending than filters)

Adobe has ample documentation and knowledge about this so we can certainly help out here.


From: Paul Irish []
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 10:36 AM
To: Simon Fraser
Cc: Rik Cabanier; Cameron McCormack; Charles Pritchard;;
Subject: Re: [css3] support for filters

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Simon Fraser <<>> wrote:
It would be useful to get some input from authors on what they see as useful canned filters.

So.. I held a little informal poll on twitter (where my followers are mainly web designers/developers).
After getting responses from ~70 folks, I've aggregated the data.
Here are the full results in google spreadsheet:

Results summary:
The most requested filters, by far, are: blur, saturation, compositing modes, noise, and color levels.
A few folks also were interested in: sharpen, contrast, drop shadow (a la brad's proposal), and chroma key.

There were so many requests for blending/compositing modes and unique mentions of individual ones, that I could break out those, too.
See the chart on for detail (multiply has the most interest)

Additional effects mentioned by a single person are:
feather, brightness, bump/displacement mapping, elliptical distortions, image fill, alpha masks, lighting effects, per color desaturate, wave distort, reflect, sparkles & rainbow effects, color matrix
Interesting that brightness doesn't have a big demand. The rest of these probably out outside the bounds of these canned filters.

Worth mentioning that recently there have been a few javascript libraries people have been gravitating towards to apply these sort of effects:

Hope this data helps to illuminate authors' priorities.


Received on Thursday, 6 January 2011 23:49:23 UTC