RE: Lists tests

> 1. The current impls for hiragana and katakana "include ゐ and ゑ before
> を and ん at the end of the basic sequence".  Which is correct - the implementations or the
> spec?

I say the spec is the correct one.

The two letters existed in traditional use, but they're no longer allowed in school text any longer since around 1946 as per the Ministry of Education. Both opinions existed when I discussed this in Japanese ML, but agreement was to prefer not to include them as more than 50 years has passed since they're gone from school text, and OOXML/ECMA-376[1] does not include them.

> 2. Similar question for hiragana-iroha and katakana-iroha, as the spec "includes a ん at
> the end that is not in the implementations".  Which behavior is correct?

This is yet another ambiguity, and I say the spec is correct again.

Iroha is a Japanese poem more than 1,000 years ago, which uses each Hiragana exactly once[2] except "ん". So if you follow the poem, it does not include "ん", but to count something, it does. "ん" is included in school text.

Again, the discussion concluded to prefer to follow to what kids learn at school these decades and also to OOXML/ECMA-376.




Received on Friday, 30 December 2011 14:03:43 UTC