Re: Lists tests

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Koji Ishii <> wrote:
>> 1. The current impls for hiragana and katakana "include ゐ and ゑ before
>> を and ん at the end of the basic sequence".  Which is correct - the implementations or the
>> spec?
> I say the spec is the correct one.
> The two letters existed in traditional use, but they're no longer allowed in school text any longer since around 1946 as per the Ministry of Education. Both opinions existed when I discussed this in Japanese ML, but agreement was to prefer not to include them as more than 50 years has passed since they're gone from school text, and OOXML/ECMA-376[1] does not include them.
>> 2. Similar question for hiragana-iroha and katakana-iroha, as the spec "includes a ん at
>> the end that is not in the implementations".  Which behavior is correct?
> This is yet another ambiguity, and I say the spec is correct again.
> Iroha is a Japanese poem more than 1,000 years ago, which uses each Hiragana exactly once[2] except "ん". So if you follow the poem, it does not include "ん", but to count something, it does. "ん" is included in school text.
> Again, the discussion concluded to prefer to follow to what kids learn at school these decades and also to OOXML/ECMA-376.
> [1]
> [2]

Excellent, thanks Koji!

(Also, I didn't realize that the Iroha pattern came from a Japanese
pangram.  That's awesome!)


Received on Friday, 30 December 2011 16:22:48 UTC