Re: [css3-regions] [css3-grid-align] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Hi Håkon,

From: Håkon Wium Lie <<>>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 01:34:06 -0800
To: "Tab Atkins Jr." <<>>
Cc: Rossen Atanassov <<>>, Chris Jones <<>>, Adobe Systems <<>>, W3C style mailing list <<>>
Subject: Re: [css3-regions] [css3-grid-align] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Tab wrote:

> > What would the code look like if you we using, say, grids?
> Something like this:
> /* Region related style for redirecting content flows */
> #article {
>     flow-into: article_flow;
> }
> #region1, #region2, #region3, #region4 {
>     flow-from: article_flow;
> }
> /* positioning and sizing of the region elements */
> #page {
>   width: 800px;
>   height: 600px;
>   grid-template: "aaa.e"
>                  "....e"
>                  "bbb.e"
>                  "....e"
>                  "c.d.e";
>   grid-rows: 52% 4% 20% 4% 20%;
>   grid-columns: 30% 5% 30% 5% 30%;
> }
> #regionA { grid-cell: a; }
> #region1 { grid-cell: b; }
> #region2 { grid-cell: c; }
> #region3 { grid-cell: d; }
> #region4 { grid-cell: e; }

Thanks. Some questions:

- what happens to the content that doesn't fit into the 800x600 area?

It depends on the overflow and region-overflow properties ( With overflow:visible and region-overflow:auto, the content will show (as illustrated in the top-right example of figure 4).

I think the first example would be better if we had a 5th region at the bottom that would receive the remainder of the flow.

- can one specify that the last column ('e' in this case) should be
   replicated in order to absorb any extra content?

Not with the current spec. That would be auto-generation of regions and we do not address that. Our take on that question is that it would be addressed with page templates.

- alternatively, how does one specify that the bottom row ('c.d.e')
   should have a flexible height to absorb any extra content?

This is not addressed right now.

- do we need to have region elements
   (#regionA/region1/region2/region3/region4) to achieve this example?
   Or, can one specify -- directly in CSS -- that the content of
   #article should be flowed into grid cells b-c-d-e?

(The Grid Layout Module uses the 'fr' unit [1], which has been removed
from Values and Units [2]. Will the 'fr' unit be edited out from Grid
Layout as well?)


In the early drafts, regions were not restricted to being elements. The more recent versions have narrowed on elements that generate a block container box (

One of the reasons is that some specs., like Grid, do not have a pseudo-selector for the cell box (actually, the ::grid-cell pseudo-selector was removed from the Grid spec).

> > The white space issue remains (it seems intrisic to regions, perhaps
> > we need a 'lh' value to express measurements in terms of line
> > heights?)
> Continuing this off-topic discussion, isn't this what line-grid is
> supposed to do?  You give the region a height and then tell it to snap
> to the line-grid.

Where is that developed? This one is labelled as "not being actively

I believe Tab was referring to the new work that Steve and others are working on for line grid. I do not think the new draft is out yet.

Kind regards,

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 03:09:53 UTC