Re: [css3-regions] [css3-grid-align] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Tab wrote:

 > > What would the code look like if you we using, say, grids?
 > Something like this:
 > /* Region related style for redirecting content flows */
 > #article {
 >     flow-into: article_flow;
 > }
 > #region1, #region2, #region3, #region4 {
 >     flow-from: article_flow;
 > }
 > /* positioning and sizing of the region elements */
 > #page {
 >   width: 800px;
 >   height: 600px;
 >   grid-template: "aaa.e"
 >                  "....e"
 >                  "bbb.e"
 >                  "....e"
 >                  "c.d.e";
 >   grid-rows: 52% 4% 20% 4% 20%;
 >   grid-columns: 30% 5% 30% 5% 30%;
 > }
 > #regionA { grid-cell: a; }
 > #region1 { grid-cell: b; }
 > #region2 { grid-cell: c; }
 > #region3 { grid-cell: d; }
 > #region4 { grid-cell: e; }

Thanks. Some questions:

 - what happens to the content that doesn't fit into the 800x600 area?

 - can one specify that the last column ('e' in this case) should be
   replicated in order to absorb any extra content?

 - alternatively, how does one specify that the bottom row ('c.d.e')
   should have a flexible height to absorb any extra content?

 - do we need to have region elements
   (#regionA/region1/region2/region3/region4) to achieve this example?
   Or, can one specify -- directly in CSS -- that the content of
   #article should be flowed into grid cells b-c-d-e?

(The Grid Layout Module uses the 'fr' unit [1], which has been removed
from Values and Units [2]. Will the 'fr' unit be edited out from Grid
Layout as well?)


 > > The white space issue remains (it seems intrisic to regions, perhaps
 > > we need a 'lh' value to express measurements in terms of line
 > > heights?)
 > Continuing this off-topic discussion, isn't this what line-grid is
 > supposed to do?  You give the region a height and then tell it to snap
 > to the line-grid.

Where is that developed? This one is labelled as "not being actively

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 11 December 2011 09:37:33 UTC