RE: [css3-regions] [css3-Grid] auto-generation, pagination, and code examples

Hi Håkon,
> However, I think your code exposes several problems with the current approach
> to regions:
>  - the code is quite verbose

Again, this was what I could do in the few mins I had to spare on the issue and I wanted to keep the structure of the layout independent of any grid, template or multicolumn layouts.

> Here's a solution which gives the same layout in three lines of code:
>   article { columns: 3 }
>   img { column-span: 2; width: 100% }
>   .box1 { column-span: 2 }

Thanks, that's great and it is also yet another example of why columns of multicolumn layout should be regions.

>  > I'm refraining from using anything fancy such as grid, template etc.
> What would the code look like if you we using, say, grids?

Tab already answered this using the template layout syntax in a separate thread.


Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 22:28:01 UTC