Re: [cssom] Directions for better OM expansions

Le 14/09/10 17:15, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :
> On 9/14/10 4:22 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> Warf!!! Having them read-write would be incredibly useful for editing
>> tools ! Instead of dealing with rule modification, being able to
>> directly tweak the resolved value and have it modify the originating
>> rule would save a LOT of code and most certainly bugs...
>> I'm with Tab here.
> Fwiw, this isn't possible in general, since there are non-CSS sources of
> even cascaded data (e.g. HTML presentational hints). That's not even
> getting into the business of shorthands and what modifying a cascaded
> shorthand value means.
> Of course for anything past cascaded values (computed, used, whatever),
> the concept of "originating rule" just makes no sense period.

That's a valid statement when presentational hints are directly
translated into CSS styles. Not all can do it, and not all rendering
engines do it. But then a compromise would be to allow read/write when
the originating rule is a author-level rule or a style attribute, and
throw an exception in all other cases.


Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 17:01:14 UTC