Re: [cssom] Directions for better OM expansions

On 9/14/10 4:22 AM, Daniel Glazman wrote:
> Warf!!! Having them read-write would be incredibly useful for editing
> tools ! Instead of dealing with rule modification, being able to
> directly tweak the resolved value and have it modify the originating
> rule would save a LOT of code and most certainly bugs...
> I'm with Tab here.

Fwiw, this isn't possible in general, since there are non-CSS sources of 
even cascaded data (e.g. HTML presentational hints).  That's not even 
getting into the business of shorthands and what modifying a cascaded 
shorthand value means.

Of course for anything past cascaded values (computed, used, whatever), 
the concept of "originating rule" just makes no sense period.


Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 15:16:28 UTC