root list item Re: [CSS21] 12.5 Lists

On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 10:31:44PM -0400, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 9/7/10 5:28 PM, Peter Moulder wrote:
> > Gecko doesn't display marker box for root list-item; I haven't yet
> > determined whether this is a display issue or it's being forced to be
> > display:block.
> The latter.  This seems to be what
> (and earlier drafts) called for.
> is the first draft with the current verbiage, which treats the root
> the same way positioned and floated boxes are treated....
> I'll get a bug filed on this.

OOC, why was this changed?  Not being familiar with the weird and wonderful
ways in which authors use CSS, I'd have thought it not a particularly important
use case in CSS2.1, and I wouldn't mind if the spec marked it as undefined
whether root list-item becomes block or stays list-item.

One reason that root list-item displeases me is that it means that the box tree
isn't actually a tree at all, but a forest.  Not a huge deal, but it
nevertheless seems like more cost than the uses I can see for root list-items
(beyond what can be achieved with :before and/or a non-root list-item).


Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 03:15:26 UTC