Re: [css3-writing-modes] a third option for implementing logical properties

Tokushge Kobayashi wrote:

> > Logical properties have been proposed in the context of vertical
> > text as a way of simplifying the task of an author trying create
> > vertical and horizontal layouts with a shared stylesheet.
> No, logical properties are proposed in the context of globaliaztion,
> logical properties help not only vertical text but also they help
> right to left writing, etc.

Right, they simplify the task of targeting two different writing modes
with a shared stylesheet.  And they are still one possible solution
to that authoring problem.

> > > Your opinion is an excuse from an incompetent implementor.
> >
> > No, it's the concern of an implementor who has a long history
> > of developing browsers for devices that run with restricted memory.
> All browsers are not asked to support all properties.

Not really in this case, you're talking about changing underlying box
model properties in fundamental ways, this isn't just a set of
specialized additions that are easily modularized, this affects a wide
swath of modules.  Just because it has existed in XSL or XMDF or
bbebxylog doesn't make it a simple task to integrate it into CSS.

And calling folks incompetent doesn't help either.

John Daggett

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 2010 01:18:40 UTC