RE: [css3-writing-modes] a third option for implementing logical properties

> What about left, right, top and bottom properties for position:relative
> | absolute | fixed? Are we going to make them logical too?

Yes. And currently 34 additional properties are listed including these.

> What about things like background-position?

I agree that this is a tough one. We still have a few options to make this, and hope to show one or two within a week. As I said before, vertical flow isn't an easy feature; it doesn't make just like drawing emphasis marks over characters. It's a big feature, or I could say it must consist of a set of several features to make documents in vertical.

> And yet, what exactly causes padding-after to be mapped to padding-left
> or to padding-right?
> For example,
> p { padding-after:30px; }
> with this markup:
> <body dir="ltr">
>   <div dir="rtl">
>     <p>para</p>
>   </div>
> </body>
> what will be the used value of padding-left/right on <p>? And why?

I'm not sure if I understand what you intended to ask here correctly. From the definition, "after" in horizontal + rtl is "bottom", so it means "padding-bottom". "padding-after" is mapped to "padding-left" if vertical-rl, and "padding-right" if vertical-rl.


Received on Monday, 25 October 2010 05:18:43 UTC