RE: @font-face and slow downloading

On Thursday, October 21, 2010 2:17 PM David Singer wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 11:13 , Belov, Charles wrote:
> >
> > I *do* want the fallback font.  What I also want is to be able to
> > specify in my user style sheet that if the download font can't
> download
> > within x seconds that I don't want it at all.
> sounds more like a UA preference than a CSS issue (i.e. a preference
> rather than necessarily being in a style sheet)

My personal user preference would always be to show the text with the fall-back font right away, and then re-render it with the downloaded font (like Brad mentioned, it feels like something is broken when no text is displayed on a page). For this same reason, I would do the same for the website I authored, to force the text display in a fall-back font and do not leave it up to UA to apply its own wisdom. Seems like a much desirable CSS issue to me.


> > I'd also like the UA to be intelligent enough not to replace the
> > fallback font with the downloaded font while I am moving my cursor or
> > typing, but perhaps that is too much to ask.
> Me too.  Ask away!  I hate it when something takes a while, I start to
> do something else while I wait...and then the screen 'pops' me while I
> am typing or mousing!
> David Singer
> Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 07:13:28 UTC