Re: [CSS21] 9.5.1: placing floats above earlier blocks & line boxes

On 14/10/2010 18:52, Anton Prowse wrote:
> [Note that if the top margin
> of the float were made more negative in my example above, we'd end up
> with at float whose margin area height were zero or negative, even
> though its border area height would remain positive. In my opinion, this
> should result in a float which has no effect on layout (impotence
> again!), and indeed this is what I argued for in yet another couple of
> related float issues [1,2] about zero- and negative-width/height floats,
> the 'height' version of which is Issue 185.]

Sorry, I failed to accurately represent my argument and opinion on that 
matter there.  I was intending to say that, for example, non-positive 
height floats don't/shouldn't cause line boxes "next to" them to shorten 
or other floats to horizontally abut them (since it's not possible to be 
"next to" them, a fact which is in the process of being codified in 
Issue 185); and also that in the case of non-positive width floats, 
other floats and line boxes do/should abut the margin area edge rather 
than the border area edge - thereby "starting" further left than the 
left margin edge of the float in the case of a left float with extreme 
negative right margin - which is exactly the point I've been making in 
this current thread).  Please ignore my overstatement in the quoted 

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Anton Prowse

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2010 18:18:45 UTC