[CSS3] Hyphenation of words using word-wrap:break-word property

I have read the TEXT draft standard about Hyphenation, but I don't believe
it is currently thought to correlate with the word-wrap property.

I think that if the word-wrap property is set to "*break-word*", an extra
property should be used to allow hyphenation of any word broken by the
word-wrap property.

Such that, if a large word such as "indefensible" is broken, instead of:


The hyphenation property should allow this broken word such that it now
looks like:


I'd like your thoughts.
*Luke Dyson
*Technical Solutions Liaison - Digital Futures
111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
Email: luke.dyson@telegraph.co.uk
Telephone: 0207 931 3910
Mobile: 07768 751 419
Web: www.telegraph.co.uk

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Received on Thursday, 14 October 2010 15:48:09 UTC