Re: Issue 101 Resolution

Peter Moulder wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 03:24:26PM +1100, I wrote:
>> [I don't see a left bias in the float rules, whereas I believe Alan Gresley
>> does see one.]
> If so then this may be because Alan Gresley and I are interpreting the
> "analogous rules" differently: I'm assuming that the "analogous rule" in each
> case is formed by swapping the words "left" and "right" throughout, whereas
> possibly Alan is interpreting it as only swapping some of the occurrences.  If
> that is in fact the case, or more generally if there's any other evidence that
> there are multiple interpretations of what the "analogous rules" are, then of
> course I would suggest spelling out those analogous rules, e.g. retaining the
> existing "Analogous rules ..." words but appending a colon and the full rule.
> If the analogous rules are formed by swapping the words "left" and "right"
> throughout, then every mention of "left" or "right" in the rules is balanced by
> a corresponding rule with "left" and "right" swapped, in which case there is no
> left bias.
> pjrm.

I did say a "bias to top and left" in reference to TTB block 
progression and LTR inline progression. I agree with what you have 
said in both messages regarding analogous rules. Rule 3 is an 
exception for these reasons.

1. Nothing is mentioned about floats be placed lower.

   Left float:

   The right outer edge of a left-floating box may not be to the
   right of the left outer edge of any right-floating box that is
   to the right of it.

   Analogous - Right float

   The left outer edge of a right-floating box may not be to the
   left of the right outer edge of any left-floating box that is
   to the left of it.

One must presume from other parts of 9.5 which mentions a left float 
interactions with other left floats, that it is the last float in the 
source order that is placed lower. Rule 3 doesn't specify which float 
is place lower and no where else in 9.5 does it specify that 
alternative floated boxes can be placed lower.

2. Rule 3 is the only rule that mentions a left float interactions 
with a right float.


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Monday, 11 October 2010 14:06:46 UTC