Re: [css3-background] double '/' in border

On Wed, 24 Nov 2010, fantasai wrote:

> On 11/05/2010 03:17 AM, Yves Lafon wrote:
>> On Fri, 5 Nov 2010, fantasai wrote:
>>> On 11/04/2010 08:50 AM, Yves Lafon wrote:
>>>> but border-image is defined as
>>>> "<'border-image-source'>||<'border-image-slice'>[/<'border-image-width'>?[/<'border-image-outset'>]?]?||<'border-image-repeat'>
>>>> meaning that you can have 'border-image-slice' / / 'border-image-outset'
>>>> This is the same issue as background starting with '/'.
>>>> Could it be fixed as well ?
>>> What's the issue exactly?
>> The same as in the 'background' case, / is used as a separator in CSS2.1
>> and it makes my parser to choke when no values are between two separator
>> instances.
> Yves, the CSSWG discussed this issue, and we feel that it's not something
> we want to change. It's an inconsistency with the CSS2.1 level-specific
> non-normative grammar, not the core grammar. While the Appendix G grammar
> can be useful for generating a parser for CSS2.1, if you're parsing CSS3
> expect to modify the grammar as appropriate to handle any new grammatical
> constructs in CSS3--it was not intended as a forwards-compatible grammar.
> Minutes of the telecon are here:
> The WG resolution is not to change the border-image syntax.
> We hope this is acceptable.

Not ideal but I understand your reasons.

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Tuesday, 30 November 2010 16:32:17 UTC