[CSS3] styling of form elements

This post is to check on planned abilities for styling form elements and
to suggest some if they have not been previously suggested.  The use
case is for people with physical or conceptual disabilities or on
small-screen devices who have trouble with drop-down menus or small
multi-select windows, to be able to override certain choices of a
website for form fields.

The proposed styles would cover the following features:

- Render each element in a selection menu as a list of radio buttons.
- Render each element in a multi-select menu as a list of check boxes.

Obviously, there would likely be other changes to the page layout needed
in a user style sheet that did this, but this would be a way to make
certain form elements more accessible.

Sorry about the lack of specificity in the subject.  I tried to find a
CSS3 spec responsible for forms but couldn't.

Hope this helps,
Charles Belov
SFMTA Webmaster

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2010 21:33:30 UTC