Re: Frameset/Frame Specification Amendment (HTML+CSS)

On 2010-03-26 10:54 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Yes, <frame>s have their own use cases and benefits.
> Notable example (at least for me) is - forum engine
> that is quite bandwidth and battery efficient.
> Other examples are help systems that have index/content layout, etc.

Separating content from navigation without a good reason is a bad idea; 
if you want a faster rendering, XSLT would probably be a better choice 
since you explicitly tie the navigation and content together and don't 
break bookmarking. It also means that you aren't forced to fix part of 
the layout of your document where you wasting screen real-estate when 
the user wants to scroll (unless you allow resizing, but, in practice, 
most authors turn it off). This also sidesteps the styling issue that 
Axel brought up since you don't have to deal with the incompatibilities 
in styling frames.

As for good uses, I can't come up with anything that iframes, in 
conjunction with CSS, can't already do.

Received on Saturday, 27 March 2010 10:17:33 UTC