Re: positioning and sizing an element relatively to any other element

On 03/20/2010 04:21 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Tab Atkins Jr.<>  wrote:
>> 3) Since we're talking about height, it would also be awesome to have
>> a way to say "this should be the height of its container but no
>> larger". You'd think height: 100% would do that, but no, that seems to
>> make the box the height of its content, at least the last time I tried
>> it (yesterday). That's OK, though, we love you even though you're
>> eccentric, CSS. I think we just need a little something different,
>> here.
> Usually, the container's height is determined by its contents' height.
>   If the container has a fixed height, then its contents will always be
> fit into that height, as controlled by the overflow property.  What
> exactly would this change add?  What's an example syntax and an
> example of a case where it would do something that's not already
> pretty simple?
Yes, I also did not understand what point 3 was getting at.  If height 
of container known, height:100% is that height, else there is a 
dependency loop and height resolves to 'auto'.  Seem like he is 
describing the case of applying height:100% where container height is 
not known/resolvable.

Received on Saturday, 20 March 2010 03:03:35 UTC