error in css3-background 'background' example

In [1], Example XV:

p { background: url("chess.png") / 10em gray
        40% round fixed border border}

is equivalent to

p {
     background-color: gray;
     background-position: 40% 50%;
     background-size: 10em 10em;
     background-repeat: round round;
     background-clip: border-box;
     background-origin: border-box;
     background-attachment: fixed;
     background-image: url(chess.png) }

However... background-position occurs after background-size, despite the 
spec saying:
"where <bg-position> must occur before / <bg-size> if both are present"


Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Friday, 8 January 2010 20:50:17 UTC