Re: Making pt a non-physical unit

2010/1/7 Boris Zbarsky <>:
> On 1/7/10 10:38 AM, Ambrose LI wrote:
>> I don't understand why we are stressing the importance of physical
>> accuracy in projections. Do people expect units to measure as spec'd
>> when projected?
> I have no idea, but the spec says they should at the moment.

As I see it, I (as a user conditioned by PowerPoint, Windows Movie
Maker, etc.) envision 12pt on a slide to mean a size on some imaginary
physical slide that will project at some suitable distance 12pt back
to my computer screen, that, when projected on the day I (or my boss,
etc.) give the presentation, will result in text large enough to be
legible to most of my intended audience. After all, if I use a
projector in a lecture hall or large meeting room, everyone will have
a different viewing distance, so it is not even meaningful to talk
about viewing distance in projections; we have to talk about imaginary
slides and imaginary ideal projections. It is in this standardized
imaginary environment that pt can take on a "physical" meaning.

> Just like it
> says they should measure as spec'd on an iPhone.  Or on an eye-glasses
> display.  Or a contact lens display.  That's what makes the physical units
> physical.
> That's also what makes them clearly nonsense for anything where you don't
> control the device; 12pt font on a contact lens display would be ...
> interesting.


Received on Thursday, 7 January 2010 16:08:51 UTC