Re: Making pt a non-physical unit

On Jan 7, 2010, at 01:47, Jonathan Kew wrote:

> For those specialized use cases such as "life size" drawings, touch interface elements, etc., where a certain physical size really is intended - rather than a physical size that made sense on a typical computer monitor or a piece of paper, but should be appropriately scaled when viewing from 6 inches on a phone - I propose that we introduce a new keyword "true".

How would "true" units work with projectors and with big screens that are further away from the user than a typical display?

As far as I can tell, when Web content is displayed so that the display surface is further away from the user than a typical desktop screen, it's useful to make "physical" units relative to CSS px such that 1in equals 96px, since at distances further than user's reach, physical measurements of the display surface are irrelevant and only viewing angles matter.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2010 11:40:29 UTC