Re: Making pt a non-physical unit

2010/1/6 Felix Miata <>:
> Pixel perfection is an illusion in the eye of the stylist only. It's
> irrelevant for normal web users and across user agents. The ability to size
> for screen media in px for anything other than images should never have been
> in the CSS spec in the first place, and should be deprecated yesterday if not
> sooner.

As I explained earlier (since "yesterday" is in your statement), there
was indeed a time when the ONLY safe font sizes for
Chinese/Japanese/Korean are 16 and 24px (not pt, percent, or any other
unit). And I distinctly remember that when CSS 1 was created, we were
still in that time when we needed px for font sizes. So "yesterday"
they should not been deprecated; today, they probably can be (and
"deprecated" does not mean "banned").


Received on Wednesday, 6 January 2010 15:09:44 UTC