Re: [css3-text] alternate name for line-break: newspaper

Koji Ishii wrote:

> "Free" means no restrictions, right? Assuming so, because the most relaxed level is not "free" (we have the least set of restrictions that nobody would want to disable), I guess we should use:
>   strict, normal, relaxed

If you want a four level structure in which the least strict options 
represented 'the least set of restrictions that nobody would want to 
disable', I suggest


> If we need more levels in future, I really like David's idea to use numbers. We could develop a numbering system and make values in CSS3 Text as aliases to numbers, just like font-weight:Normal is '400'[1].

I'm not sure that font-weight should be cited as a good example of 
anything, given its troubled history. :)

A numeric system is certainly more flexible in terms of extensibility, 
and if that is a concern then I would encourage you to put this in place 
now, rather than starting with names and moving to numbers later. 
Perhaps that is what you meant.


Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2010 01:56:42 UTC