- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 12:57:01 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
Summary: - Discussion of box-shadow and border-image. Brad actioned to come up with a rough proposal for all desired shadow functionality for comparison fantasai actioned to add more control to existing box-shadow through honoring background-clip and border-image-outset - RESOLVED: Republish Media Queries and CSS2.1 after Bert adds media_list grammar rule - CSS2.1 Issue 128 'display: run-in' clarifications bounced back to mailing list for discussion - fantasai to respond to UPnP forum message wrt status of CSS2.1 ====== Full minutes below ====== Present: César Acebal Tab Atkins Bert Bos Elika Etemad Sylvain Galineau Daniel Glazman Brad Kemper Chris Lilley Hĺkon Wium Lie <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/09/02-CSS-irc Scribe: fantasai * sylvaing speaking of boxes and diagrams, second Gerard Talbot's comment that the inline formatting model could use visual back-up Some discussion of box-shadow <fantasai> who's minuting? <glazou> fantasai: that's outside of the call Bert: I don't want to have a non-continuous border change the shape of the box. I still want the box to be rectangular. <glazou> we did not start yet Agenda ------ Daniel: I'm back from summer break, not quite caught up with everything Daniel: Extra agenda item from Chris ChrisL: It's already in the Agenda box-shadow and border-image --------------------------- ChrisL: ... ChrisL: You know the diagram with the border and padding edge etc? ChrisL: Imagine a similar diagram with the corners rounded ChrisL: I asked which diagram we use (?) <ChrisL> http://www.w3.org/Style/Group/css2-src/images/boxdim.png ChrisL: Bert said the boxes should be rectangular ChrisL: but you have a different clipping effect ChrisL: I also asked if the border-image affects the geometric layout of these boxes ChrisL: And I was told no, it doesn't ... Brad: So the question is, when is the border-radius applied and when is it not fantasai: The border-radius is applied to the definition of the boxes for rendering effects, but not for layout fantasai: for layout you only care about the edges, not the shape of the corners <TabAtkins> http://www.bradclicks.com/cssplay/curved-corner-image.html ChrisL: So there's no way to prevent text from leaking other than providing sufficient padding fantasai: right <sylvaing> CSS2 borders clip at the inner border edge; Brad's example clipped at the outer border edge ChrisL: was the rendering that Brad showed per spec or an implementation bug? fantasai: Implementation bug. The spec says to follow the curve for clipping effects, jumping from one curve to the other isn't a reasonable interpretation ChrisL: fantasai's suggesting this particular unioning algorithm ChrisL: I think it'll look a little odd. I can produce images that look good, and some that look bad with it ChrisL: You don't need to do edge detection ChrisL: As you rightly pointed out, spread is a complicated operation and if you have a raster image it's out of the question ChrisL: blur radius is fine, but spread basically moves the geometry out and that's difficult to do without actual geometry Brad: I disagree with the notion of doing alpha channel for box channel without taking into account border styles or backgrounds Brad: I don't see why border-image should have a special alpha-based channel behavior Brad: I'd rather see a proper drop-shadow effect rather than this half-effort for border-image ChrisL: It's hard to address pieces of the border image otherwise Brad: If we had a drop-shadow property, it could have a switch on it that says what it affects: borders, border-images, everything, etc. Brad: So far box-shadow only takes into account the border box ChrisL: it does take into account border-radius Brad: Still limited to flat edges and possibly curved corners Brad: If you have a dashed border going around the curve Brad: It's going to be a flat border until you put a border image * TabAtkins or hell, just an identical border-image of a dashed border. Brad: You'd get a different effect if you had a border-image shashed border vs a UA-defined dashed border <ChrisL> http://www.bradclicks.com/cssplay/border-image/Alladins_Lamp.png fantasai: Two things come to mind from this discussion fantasai: One is, we could use the background-clip on the bottommost background layer to determine whether the dashes fall inside the box-shadow's auto-opaque area or outside it fantasai: box-shadow is supposed to represent clipping the box out and pulling it forward of the canvas fantasai: if you filled it with background paint, then it's obvious that in the default case (background-clip: border-box) your box would be rectangular even in the case of dashed borders fantasai: but if you set background-clip: padding-box, the dashes are outside the background paint region fantasai: and if you were clipping out the box, you'd clip around the dashes, leaving gaps in between fantasai: the other thought was, Brad mentioned perhaps never alpha-channel-masking the border area fantasai: and if the author needed alpha-channel masking, it would only apply to regions of the border-image outset beyond the border-box Tab: If we're trying to be intelligent about alpha, we can't just pay attention to the bottommost background unless we say background is automatically opaque fantasai: we're saying that the background is automatically opaque Brad: The box shape that you're shadowing, it's not really paying attention to the alpha of the box it's just pretending it's opaque ... Brad thinks authors will want more controls over what is drop-shadowed fantasai: we can always add more controls later, and this would just be the default behavior Tab: Maye be don't need to make this behavior that intelligent then ChrisL: I was agreeing with fantasai, but now I see both designers not happy ChrisL: If we make it less intelligent, then you always get a rectangle Brad: Initially my feeling was to suppress the shadow, because of your argument that we're not changing the box shape we're just decorating it <Bert> (Maybe we can define shaped boxes some day, which shape the content box and hence the text, rather than just the border...) fantasai: How about you take an action item to draw up a proposal for what kind of controls we want in the future fantasai: so that we know whether box-shadow conflicts with that or adds to it SteveZ: Two comments. First, this is hard to follow without pictures <ChrisL> I'm happy to make diagrams, once we decide what to make a diagram *of* * TabAtkins hack possibility: <div style=width:0 margin:20px border-image:foo> <div style=margin:-20px /></div> <glazou> did I hear howcome on the call ? <glazou> who said "'I support Bert" ? SteveZ: Second, what I'm hearing is that Tab and Brad want to shine a light through the box, and take the shadow from that, and having part of the border-image take part in that and part of it not Brad: I like the idea of using backgrond-clip to determine which box gets shadowed Bert, Hakon: I think it makes it all too complicated ACTION: Brad to come up with full shadow proposal (not finalized, but to see where we're going) ACTION: fantasai draw up proposal for box-shadow modified by ideas posted here Media Queries ------------- RESOLVED: Republish Media Queries and CSS 2.1 after Bert adds media_list grammar rule discussion of process requirements for republishing CRs CSS2.1 Issue 128 ---------------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0025.html display: run-in clarifications Bert: We'd made some progress on the mailing list after some very good questions from bz Bert: So we know ... and where floating children are displayed Bert: What we don't have yet is what happens with :first-line and :first-letter Tab: I support Sylvain that :first-line/:first-letter still cause problems. Tab: Don't know for the positioning ancesters of an abspos child of the run-in. Bert: My position is that it's the element hierarchy rather than the box hierarchy Bert: That's how I interpret the rules in 10.1 Tab: You should get in on the thread; bz is expressing the opposite fantasai: Sounds like we need more mailing list discussion Message from UPnP forum ----------------------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Aug/0605.html Daniel: I just noticed this email yesterday Daniel: Apparently Toby wants an answer before today ACTION: fantasai respond to Toby SteveZ: You can invite them to contribute test cases ChrisL: I think asking them to help review test cases would be better :) SteveZ: ok, /contribute/ to the test suite process Meeting closed
Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 19:57:48 UTC