[CSS21] Status of pending clarifications and the Sept 15 test suite deadline

I've been holding off on writing run-in tests pending clarification of 
the outstanding issues, but there's apparently a Sept 15 deadline after 
which tests will not count for purposes of determining whether a section 
is interoperably implementable.  Clearly the run-in section in its 
present state is not interoperably implementable....

How should I proceed?  Should I write tests based on pending things that 
Bert and I have hashed out and agree on (e.g. when run-ins run in, how 
inheritance should work without first-line) and submit them by the 15th? 
  Should I write tests on the still-open issues (esp. the containing 
block issue) and submit them and then we'll fix the tests (or not) as 
the spec is clarified?  Should the deadline be extended for tests 
intended to cover issues that only get resolved after the 15th?


Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 20:20:09 UTC