Re: Linear gradients: state of the proposal

On Nov 6, 2009, at 9:01 AM, Simon Fraser wrote:

> * When the angle form is used, it's unclear if the angle of the  
> rendered gradient is invariant under box aspect ratio changes < 
> >.

As far as this one goes, I know that what I was proposing there is  
different than what Tab had in mind. However, I believe that by  
combining the ideas of:

requiring a keyword to make the angle invariant (otherwise it is not)  
the idea of just using angles to indicate direction and
color-stops for ALL indications of where colors begin or end),

...that we would have a much, much simpler, easier to read and  
understand syntax, with less default magic, while sacrificing almost  
nothing but a few edge cases. And that those edge cases could be  
handled with SVG.

I would still have the distance measures (50px, for example) as  
invariant (thus a little magic there), as an alternative to  
percentages that would always vary with image size.

Received on Friday, 6 November 2009 17:35:44 UTC