[gcpm] new draft available

A new editor's draft of Generated Content for Paged Media (GCPM) is
available [1]. The changes reflect resolutions from recent CSS WG
meetings [2][3]. The biggest change is that much functionality has
been removed. This includes running elements, target-pull(), named
flows, text-replace, continuation markers, change bars, line numbers,
generated lists. This sacrifices is justified by now having a
specification which is closer to implementations, and closer to
consensus in the CSS WG. For reference purposes, a version from
2009-06-10 that marks proposed deletions has been preserved [4].

The other changes are:

 - float intrusion moved from multicol to GCPM, 'intrude' keyword introduced
 - 'border-parts' renamed 'border-clip'
 - 'page-bleed' renamed 'bleed'
 - super-decimal tagged for moving to css3-lists
 - new title: CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module

[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-gcpm
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Mar/0065.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jun/0186.html
[4] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-gcpm/2009-06-10.html

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª
howcome@opera.com                  http://people.opera.com/howcome

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 09:41:35 UTC