- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 11:07:19 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
Summary: - Discussed combining background-break and border-break into box-break; fantasai to draft proposal into Editor's Draft for discussion - RESOLVED: Add min() and max() functions to calc(); min() and max() may also appear as standalone functions, their contents parsed as if wrapped in calc(). - RESOLVED: Allow keywords in expressions. - Reviewed issues raised for Media Queries; they are editorial, so Anne will prepare a new CR draft. - Confirmed that repeating a pseudo-class increases specificity; will add clarification note to Selectors - Discussed fantasai's box-shadow and border-image message: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0120.html No resolution yet. Original discussion was here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Feb/0361.html ====== Full minutes below ====== Present: David Baron Bert Bos Elika Etemad Sylvain Galineau Daniel Glazman David Hyatt Peter Linss David Singer Anne van Kesteren Steve Zilles <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/07/29-CSS-irc Scribe: szilles <fantasai> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0120.html <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0114.html Background-break and border-break --------------------------------- Hyatt: I was attempting to simplify the two properites because people will often want the same values on both properties and not all the combinations of the independent properties make sense fantasai: I think a combination does make sense, but I am not sure what the values should be fantasai: what behaviors should we be trying to acheive fantasai: for border break we might want more sophistication in the styling fantasai: e.g. "hidden" adds padding Hyatt: I might want to see a different background in each box Hyatt: Is this the right way to do the "bounding box" because some of the current renderings are awkward Hyatt: could we drop certain features from the combined property knowing that we might do things better in a future version dbaron: Most often the authors will just be specifying background-break dbaron: Most of the time authors won't be using both borders and backgrounds. Daniel: there is also the issue of authors being able to reduce complexity and still allow authors to get the features they want dbaron: having just one property does not necessarily help with readability in the most common case Hyatt: a simplification is that the author would say the same thing whether they were only doing borders, only doing background or both together Bert: concern about the name Bert: i like having a single property describing how to handle boxes near (page) breaks Hyatt: by using a new mechanism, like background attachment fixed, you can get backgrounds on the page when there are multiple columns on the page Hyatt: for otherwise, you can only affect the column boxes Action: fantasai Draft a proposed combindation of the properties Min and Max functions in CSS3 ----------------------------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0014.html <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0015.html dbaron: there is a message that says these should be added inside calc(); I support that addition fantasai: would calc() be required to do this? <fantasai> I don't want to write width: calc(min(80ch, 100vw)); fantasai: Allowing it in calc makes sense, but do we need to require it to be inside calc() <Bert> I think fantasai asks if it is always calc(min(A,B)) or is min(A,B) on its own also fine? <annevk> calc(min(80em-2px,100vw)) ? Hyatt: do you mean that you could just say min width instead of requiring calc(min(width)) <dbaron> I'm ok with allowing it at toplevel, but then there's the question of whether to allow or disallow min(20em-2px, 19em) Hyatt: it might be simpler to just allow usage in calc right now Hyatt: if we specify it and not allow it inside calc people would object Bert: But this changes the model of calc, changing calcs output from a vector to a tree <fantasai> min(calc(20em-2px), 19em); <annevk> calc(min(80em - max(12em+16px,12.5em),100vw)) fantasai: How about allowing calc inside min, but not min inside calc; that would solve most of the use cases people seem to want <dbaron> I'd actually probably be happy with making min() just be syntactic sugar for calc(min()), etc. <annevk> +1 to dbaron <sgalineau> +1 dbaron: what I meant by my syntactic sugar suggestion is that you could use other calc expressions inside the min() <dbaron> min(20em-2px, 19em) <dbaron> rather than <dbaron> min(calc(20em-2px), 19em) <glazou> calc(min(80em - max(12em+16px,12.5em),100vw)) <sgalineau> dbaron, are we saying we like the latter or the former ? <annevk> (that one was rather crazy :) ) <dbaron> another possibility is that we allow calc() inside calc(), as the same thing as () Someone mentions width: min(20em, auto); <Bert> min(1em,thick) <sgalineau> whoa Bert: some keywords are easier than others; for example what about 'inherit" Daniel: the expresion calculation should be based on the used or computed value, but certainly not the specified value fantasai: The computed value stores the expression, the used value evaluates it. fantasai: if we are allowing keywords, that makes the storage of the result value more complicated; it is no longer just a tuple dbaron: you have to already deal with complexity in values like width <glazou> auto - 10px dbaron: so having trees isn't much additional complexity <sgalineau> min(auto-10px,10%+2.5em) SteveZ: there are some "auto"s that when used in expressions would give circular calculations Daniel: I hear that people agree on allowing min inside calc; but do we want keywords too Bert: I would like the result of computing the result be independent of the property for which the value is being computed dbaron: but, percentages already have different meanings for different properties fantasai: I think it's more important to allow keywords inside min than min inside calc fantasai: I think having calc and keywords inside min would solve most of the use cases fantasai: We did resolve to require spaces around - and + to allow for keywords inside calc(). fantasai: But there are some implementations that currently do not require spaces around "+" and "-". ChrisL: They might change if keywords are allowed, giving them a use case for requiring the spaces Daniel: Summary: I hear peoiple supporting both calc inside min and keywords Daniel: I hear no objection to DB's proposal that min(x, y) is syntactic sugar for calc(min(x,y)) <Bert> I think "syntactic sugar" means: if the only thing inside calc() is another functional notation ("foo()"), then calc() can be left out. ACTION: Daniel negotiate with Håkon to update his module with the above additions RESOLVED: add min() and max() to calc(), allowing min() and max() alone assuming wrapped calc() RESOLVED: allow keywords in expressions * Bert next topic: adding tan(), sin() and log() :-) * dbaron waits for asinh * Bert : sin() and repentance() * fantasai is happy with the resolution as long as the implementors are happy implementing it :) <hyatt> "happy" :) CSS Media Queries ----------------- AvK: What is the next step; do we publish a new draft AvK: I can make edits to satisfy the 4 comments so far. Should the next step be WD or CR? Bert: if the changes are only editorial then the new draft can also be a CR <dbaron> It might be nice to see a diff at some point (e.g., when we're about to make the decision to publish). AvK: I will have a new draft for next week ACTION: Anne prepare new CR with the editorial changes dsinger: the media and audio tags allow a media query in the source selection; should the users accessability needs be added to thet query ChrisL: that sounds like a good idea fantasai: people have said that they want different styling when an image is loaded, but this like the above should be in a future version AvK: I think that we should allow these features, but I would prefer a "registry" approach to adding new query categories rather than requiring a spec update for each addition dsinger: The idea is that one could inquire about the accessability features that might be included in a given source file <annevk> media="all" media="all and (captioning)" Summary: people think this is a good idea * dsinger did not get any responses on the HTML5 lists <annevk> prolly because it was obvious dsinger :) * fantasai would prefer specs to registry, we will get all kinds of ill-defined/vendor-specific things if it's just a wiki page <annevk> you'd need a spec to get in the registry of course Specificity increase due to repetition of psuedoclasses ------------------------------------------------------- <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0046.html <hyatt> seems hacky but legal to me fantasai: yes, specificity inreases and multiple occurances are legal and it is hacky <hyatt> i'd hate to have to special case this to not increase specificity <hyatt> that would just create work for implementors Bert: it is a bit hacky and I am not sure it should increase specificity Sylvain: I would just like an example that shows that it is legal and it does increase specificity Peter: This is a giant hack and calling it out is bad form dbaron: this applies to everything but tags Daniel: it does not apply to tags because only one element selector is allowed per chain ACTION: fantasai Add a clarifying note to Selectors to say multiple occurances are allowed and increase specificity <hyatt> some of the pseudo elements are sufficiently complex (nth-child) that i suspect most implementors just do a list for selectors :) Box Shadow and Border Image --------------------------- <fantasai> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jul/0120.html fantasai: I want to lock down a practical version of the spec. I would prefer leaving the spec as it currently is, no new features fantasai: I posted my reasons for wanting border-image to mask for box-shadow fantasai: The main question is how to handle "spreads"; Chris: taking an arbitrary geometry bigger takes converting a path around the object to a stroke; then converting that to two paths and taking the union of the paths Peter: are we OK with saying the spread is (may be) ignored for borders (it works on boxes) fantasai: I am arguing that we want the UA to compute an appropriate shadow for a border-imaged box fantasai: I'm suggesting the proposal posted by Robert O'Callahan and Dave Hyatt, rather than what Chris Lilley proposed fantasai: I am happy with saying implementations may choose to ignore spread on border images if they want ChrisL and Hyatt: We should require that "spread" is ignored for border-image decision: allow ChrisL time to read the roc/hyatt discussion <fantasai> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Feb/0361.html
Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 19:07:40 UTC