[CSS21]9.5 Float

I have to make some proposals for corrections regarding the

     Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification
     W3C Candidate Recommendation 23 April 2009


Comment: The change in Paragraphs 3 and 4 are based on the principle
         "first come first served".
         If I really WANT the floated box to be the first box, then I 
         write the float first. But if I write it second (or later), 
         then I WANT it to go downward so that the inline boxes can 
         flow around the float.

9.5 Floats

Paragraph 2, sentence 1:

   A floated box is shifted to the left or right until its outer edge
   touches the content edge of the containing block or the outer edge 
   of another float.

Paragraph 3:("first come first served")

   If a floated box comes after an inline box or if there is not enough
   horizontal room for the float, it is shifted downward until either
   it fits or there are no more floats present.

Paragraph 4:("first come first served")

   Since a float is not in the flow, non-positioned block boxes created
   before and after the float box flow vertically as if the float did not
   exist. However, line boxes created next to the float are shortened to
   make room for the margin box of the float. If a shortened line box is
   too small to contain any further content, then it is shifted downward
   until either it fits or there are no more floats present.

  9.5.1 Positioning the float: the 'float' property

    1. The left outer edge of a left-floating box must align with the
       content edge of the containing block. An analogous rule holds
       for right-floating elements.

    7. A left-floating box that has another left-floating box to its left
       must go downward if it does not fit into the current line. (Loosely:
       a left float may not stick out at the right edge, unless it is
       already as far to the left as possible.) An analogous rule holds
       for right-floating elements.


As far as I know, "there's" and "can't" and "isn't" are spoken English.
They should not appear in a written specification.


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Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 18:00:17 UTC