Re: [css3-background] stacking order of border image

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:53 PM, fantasai <> wrote:
> If it's really an issue, we can add an 'empty' keyword to trigger
> omitting the center part of the image. Or change the behavior and
> have 'fill' require filling the middle.
> Do any web designers have an opinion on this?

The primary use I'll be putting border-image to will be fancy buttons,
but I expect that when I use it for other things, I'll primarily want
a transparent background.  While it's not a huge issue to core out an
image and save it in a format that supports transparency, it's still
additional work.  I would appreciate the ability to switch it on or
off.  I have no personal preference on whether we make it on or off by
default; since the largest use-case is probably fancy buttons (at
least initially), it should probably be on by default, and thus we
would have an 'empty' keyword to turn the center background off.


Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 20:09:57 UTC