Re: [selectors] [css3-content] The ::inside pseudo-element

Giovanni Campagna wrote:
> How would you do that? If you display the ::before with inline-block, it 
> will not float (only block can float), neither it will text-align unless 
> you manually widen the inline-block box (but it will align left of the 
> widened block, not left of the table-cell).
> (The use case is the same as the first post, aligning generated content 
> to the start edge of a table-cell, while putting the dom content aligned 
> on the right, like in Microsoft Excel "Contability" formatting)

Ok, I seem to really be missing something.  Let's step back for a 
second.  Forget generated content.  Let's say you can edit the HTML to 
produce the effect you want.  What would the original HTML+CSS (before 
the effect has been produced) look like?  What would the final HTML+CSS 
(with the effect produced) look like?


Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2009 18:36:56 UTC