Re: CSS3 Text Layout: Writing Latin bottom-to-top within line with blocks progressing to the right

On Jan 12, 2009, at 13:14, Henri Sivonen wrote:

> I think adding this makes particular sense for enabling graceful  
> degradation. One could emulate this using block-progression: rl; and  
> then rotating the container 180 degrees around its center using CSS  
> Transforms, but this approach won't degrade gracefully, because the  
> implementation timelines for block-progression and Transforms are  
> independent of each other and already there are CSS formatters out  
> there that support one but not the other (Trident for block- 
> progression and WebKit for Transforms).

Actually, -ms-block-progression: rl; doesn't do shrink wrap the way I  
wanted. It seems that th { -ms-block-progression: rl; } does the  
  1) The height of the cell becomes the height of the view port. (I  
wanted it to become the height of the tallest cell content on the  
table row.)
  2) The width of the cell is determined by normal shrink wrap as if - 
ms-block-progression: rl; weren't there. That is, the width of the  
cell is the width of the longest word in the cell if the word were  
rendered horizontally. (I wanted the cells to shrink wrap to just  
narrow enough for the vertical text to fit in the cell.)

CSS3 Text Layout and the table cell shrink wrap seem to need better  
interaction here.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 12 January 2009 18:53:10 UTC