Re: CSS3 Text Layout: Writing Latin bottom-to-top within line with blocks progressing to the right

Henri Sivonen wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2009, at 01:03, Alex Mogilevsky wrote:
>> It's been proposed and was in earlier versions of CSS3 text. It has 
>> lower priority because there is no live language that would use a 
>> writing mode like that for normal writing.
> I see. Without knowing the implementation details, I naïvely think that 
> supporting the case of rotating Latin text layout 90 counter-clockwise 
> would have a small incremental implementation cost once 
> block-progression: rl; is already sunk cost.

It gets complicated once you try to consider what happens to vertical
scripts in such a layout mode. They can't very well be written
upside-down. See Unicode Technical Note #22 for some discussion on
the topic.

Note that there's a difference between vertical text and rotated text.
In some cases they look the same (pure Latin). In others, they don't


Received on Monday, 12 January 2009 18:29:06 UTC