Re: [css3-color] currentColor?

David Perrell:
> > Re: 'currentColor' color keyword.
> > 
> > Is this capitalization style used anywhere else in CSS? Seems odd. Color
> > keywords are all lower case. The deprecated system colors have initial caps.

L. David Baron:
> No, it's not, except in the other properties and values that were
> introduced by the SVG specification, of which this is one.
> (And SVG takes CSS and then uses its values as SVG attribute values,
> case *sensitively*, so changing it to match the style of the rest of
> CSS sort of "breaks" SVG.)

I’ve raised an issue to reconsider this for SVG 2.0:

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 23:07:27 UTC