Re: [css3-multicol] page-break-inside and columns

Also sprach Michael Jansson:

 > My vote would be on not introducing additional properties for columns 
 > breaks, from an implementation/performance perspective. 


 > From a html/css 
 > author point of view, I would prefer to not mix up column and pages as 
 > it makes it unclear how to use the property. 

I can see that, too.

 > How about mixing it up in 
 > the values instead, so instead of having
 >     "page-break-<whatever>:<value>" and
 >     "column-break-<whatever>:<value>"
 > we would have
 >     "break-<whatever>:<page-value>|<column-value>".
 > For example: "break-inside: page", "break-inside:column", 
 > "break-inside:any", "break-inside:none", etc. 

I can see the benefit of only having one set of properties, and that
the names of these properties are neutral. However, I don't really
understand what 'break-inside: page' means. Force page breaks inside
the elements? Prohibit them? Allow them?

XSL has the 'keep-together' property with some varitions:


Long names, but more comprehensible.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 14:33:59 UTC