Re: [css3-multicol] page-break-inside and columns

My vote would be on not introducing additional properties for columns 
breaks, from an implementation/performance perspective. From a html/css 
author point of view, I would prefer to not mix up column and pages as 
it makes it unclear how to use the property. How about mixing it up in 
the values instead, so instead of having
    "page-break-<whatever>:<value>" and
we would have
For example: "break-inside: page", "break-inside:column", 
"break-inside:any", "break-inside:none", etc. 

I think this would be less ambiguous to the user as well as allow for an 
efficient implementation. This is roughly what is already proposed, with 
the difference that the wording "page-" be removed from the property 
name and used in the property values instead. Haven't really considered 
how these properties are used though.

Em2 Solutions AB
Michael Jansson

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:
> Also sprach Philip TAYLOR:
>  > > It should also be noted that using the page-* propoerties to set
>  > > preferences on columns is not ideal. However, introducing three new
>  > > properties to describe column behavior seems excessive. 
>  > 
>  > I don't agree.  A page is a page and a column is a column.
>  > Adding "column-break-<whatever>" seems to me to be both
>  > necessary and sufficient, and /infinitely/ preferable to
>  > overloading "page-break-<whatever>" as currently proposed.
> To infinity, and beyond! :)
> I can go both ways on this. The current draft is a result of this
> discussion:
> -h&kon
>               Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 12:22:29 UTC