Re: Styling by attribute-based association?

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, Daniel Glazman wrote:
> David Hyatt wrote:
> > 
> > Another (IMO simpler) idea would be to just have label match the same 
> > pseudo-classes that the control does, i.e., if a checkbox is :checked, 
> > then the label can match :checked too.  Same for :disabled, :enabled, 
> > :indeterminate, and :focus.  I don't see any reason to introduce new 
> > selectors to solve this problem.
> Let's go back in time for a second since this issue was raised precisely 
> 3 years ago : my opinion as both Selectors' editor and CSS WG 
> co-chairman is that this issue is outside of the scope of the CSS 
> Working Group and it's up to the markup language to state that this or 
> that state set on the control is mirrored onto the label having a |for| 
> attribute targeting that control. To summarize, it's IMHO an HTML5 
> issue.

I agree that it should be up to the markup specs to define which of these 
state-based pseudo-classes should apply to which elements. Should we 
define a set of common terms so that specs can "interface" on this issue, 
or would it be better for specs to just name pseudo-classes explicitly?

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2008 21:09:06 UTC