Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

If I have to deal with "licensing crap" in
order to be able to use (say) Zapfino on
the web, then so be it : far far better to
deal with "licensing crap" in order to be
able to use a font crafted by a master than
to be able to use a zillion fonts that have
either been stolen, plagiarised or created
by well-meaning but unskilled amateurs.

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> However, even if you dispute this latter claim, we must still keep in 
> mind that dealing with licensing crap is something which explicitly 
> makes us *less* happy.  It gets in our way without improving our 
> designs.  Thus, the decrease in our happiness due to dealing with 
> licensing crap must be considered together with the increase in our 
> happiness from using commercial fonts in any discussion.  This sidetrack 
> started out as a reminder to keep this simple fact in mind.
> ~TJ

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 17:36:59 UTC