RE: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

On Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:56 PM  Tab Atkins Jr. wrote: 

	On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Levantovsky, Vladimir
<> wrote:

		On Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:38 PM Dave Singer wrote:
		> On Nov 11, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
		> >
		> > On Mon, 10 Nov 2008, Dave Singer wrote:
		> >>
		> >> I'm going to try to summarize what I think I am
hearing.  I don't
		> >> necessarily agree or disagree with what this, you
understand, I am
		> >> trying to get clarity in at least my own mind.
		> >>
		> >> On the 'serving' side, we are looking for an
indication in
		> the font
		> >> that shows whether it's freely usable or not.
		> >
		> > It's unclear that we should be looking for this,
		> knowing this
		> > solves a user or Web developer problem. Does it?
		> >
		> [remaining clear that this is merely a summary of what
		> think I read, not a proposal]
		> I think it's that we have to admit that both
		> and free fonts may exist, and those making
		> fonts want there to be some indications and support
for the
		> restrictions, and those making/using free fonts think
		> there should not be such indications or tech. support
		> (non-existent) restrictions.
		I think we also have to admit that the Web developer
should be the only
		authority to make a decision what fonts to use and where
to get them.
		Limiting them to use only free-as-in-freedom fonts would
deprive them of
		their own freedom-as-liberty.

	Before we get lost in rhetoric again, let us remember that
existing font formats already expose such licensing restrictions.  We
don't have to invent any new technical solution for combining a font
with its restrictions.  The only thing that is legitimately being
discussed is the matter of obfuscation: whether it is necessary and, if
so, what manner of obfuscation is optimal.
	I must respectfully disagree. Existing fonts only expose
information on embedding restrictions, all other conditions such as
scope of use and distribution, etc., are outlined in the actual font
license and are not machine-readable. 
	However, my prior comment was not rhetorical! The Web
developer's choice of fonts should not in any way be affected  by the
technology we are developing - he should be free to choose any font
(free, commercial, proprietary, etc.) that satisfies his needs. 
	The technology has to be able accommodate his choice.
	Let's keep on track here, guys!  ^_^

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 23:14:38 UTC