Re: [webfonts] pixel-perfection

Also sprach Boris Zbarsky:

 > >
 > That testcase is in quirks mode in at least Gecko and Safari.  Does 
 > putting it in standards mode help?

I've replaced '<!doctype>' with '<!DOCTYPE html>' (I thought
<!doctype> alone triggered standards mode, no?) and put the document
on the same site as the fonts:

Here's the screenshot:

I used Safari 3.2.1 525.21, Firefox Minefield 20081102, and an
internal build of Opera to render this. To me, it looks identical to
the first rendering.

So, it seems as if quirks mode is not the issue. 

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Sunday, 2 November 2008 19:08:54 UTC