Re: Dots vs. dashes

On 28/01/2008, David Perrell <> wrote:
> Doesn't a stroke with setlinecap parameter of 1 (round cap) and setdash
> array of [0 n] (where 0 is length of dash and n is units between dot
> centers) produce a dotted line?

That could as well be the case. But how do you specify a dash-dot
line style with one setdash call (with the proposed semantics that
dots must be round and dashes must be square)? You can't, so
you still have to do some acrobatics to get round-dot-square-dash

Not that I really find it that important. With Unicode support and
all that, whether something can be easily done in Postscript isn't
really that important nowadays.

Yahoo and Gmail must die. Yes, I use them, but they still must die.
PS: Don't trust everything you read in Wikipedia. (Very Important)

Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 19:39:27 UTC