Re: Comments on media queries [css3-page]

Henri Sivonen wrote:
>  * The spec should probably say that device queries on print media query 
> the paper size.
>   - This is a problem considering that CSS can define the page size 
> itself, but the spec already has this problem since it refers to the 
> page box.

I agree the spec should refer to the page size, not the page box.
I'm not sure how to deal with conflicts between a media query and the
'size' property. We could say that the 'size' property can't affect
which style rules apply, but that would preclude something like this:

   @page { size: letter, A4, 4in 6in, 3in 5in; }

   @media (min-width: 6in) {
     /* two-column layout */


Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 06:47:21 UTC